+91 9836871371 office.rama9@gmail.com

PTM Concept & Incorporation

Rishi Aurobindo Memorial Academy

 Since, parents are considered as one of the important pillars of a school platform along with students and teachers.

They are intimated with all the information about the school curriculum and indoor and outdoor events at regular intervals.

 In recent times, two PTMs are conducted on alternative Saturdays to make the parents aware of their ward/wards performances in the classroom will the upgradation of technology, Rishi Aurobindo Memorial Academy (RAMA) has also tried to forecast online meetings, Whatsapp groups and other digital platforms to get connected with them as and when required, even in a pandemic the efficient member of RAMA put all their endeavor remarkably.

For every observation raised in PTM pertaining to education and other activities, RAMA is keen to give it’s support at the utmost within seven days.